Advanced Product Distributors, Inc. is incorporated in the State of Maryland and has been in business since January, 1991. The company has an office/warehouse at 601A Lofstrand Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20850. Our loading dock allows us to bring in bulk product where, depending on the product, we blend and package into various size containers for both the U.S. domestic market and export.

We have contracts with each of our bulk suppliers that allows us to work as a master distributor. In this position, we can set up warehouse/distributors and dealers for our product lines in the U.S. and abroad. We have a number of distributors handling our products in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

All of our products have been heavily tested and there is considerable third party documentation for them. We have had them on the market for many years without any reports of negative effects when the products are used according to the instructions. If there is any concern for any one of the products, we request that you immediately contact us through our toll-free number so that we can work with you to resolve your concerns. We provide in-depth technical support for all of the products.

Because of our confidence in our complete line of products, we offer a money back guarantee for all U.S. retail customers. However, we urge you to read the instructions carefully and follow them very accurately so that you are sure you are using the products correctly before you decide they don't work. Also, we can help you with their application if you are not sure. Please don't hesitate to call our toll-free number.

The President of Advanced Product Distributors, Inc. is Dr. Alan Roth. You can send him an e-mail at You can call him at 800 421-1048. First photo is circa 1995. Second photo is with twin brother Peter circa 2000. Peter is on the right (I think).